How Parents Can Help*
At Home

Show an interest in the music study of your children.
Arrange for a regular time for your child to practice.
Find a place where your child can practice without interruption.
Help your child with practicing as much as possible by counting, studying music books, etc.
Help your child keep a daily record of his or her practicing.
Teach your child to be on time at rehearsals, lessons, etc.
Make faithful attendance at all important activities.
When the opportunity arises, encourage your child to perform for others at home, school, church, and in the community.
Give your child a safe place to keep his or her instrument.
Keep the instrument in good repair with reeds, oil, etc., stored in the instrument case.
Be very careful of school owned instruments. The cost of repairs is very high.

At School

Keep a record of your child’s various music activities.
See that your child takes his or her instrument and music when needed at school.
Teach your child to be punctual at lessons and rehearsals.
See that your child keeps up with classroom studies and to make up any work that is needed.
Visit a lesson or rehearsal occasionally.
Discuss with the music teacher anything that will help your child.
Attend concerts whenever possible and support all the performing groups.
Help with activities when possible.
Let our school officials know the importance of music in your child’s education.

* as prescribed by NYSSMA
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